Monday 12 May 2008


Time for an update...

First raised bed is now finished and has been planted with 32 Strawberry Plants, little late getting them in so we may not get a huge strawberry yield this year but next year once they are established we should do well. My brother came over on Friday afternoon to give me a hand digging out the next bed, this ones now almost finished and just needs weed suppressant laying and in-filling with topsoil and well rotted manure.

(Forgot the camera, so will get some pictures of the Strawberry bed shortly)

Most of the plants that will be going down to the plot have been started off at home in the garden, so they will be ready to plant out asap...

Decided to have another go at growing our own Tomato's and started with 6 small plug plants, these are now thriving and growing really well since being repotted and caned... Spent 1/2 hour pinching out the tomato plants this moring which makes the plant's channel their energy into producing fruit rather than foliage.

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